The Center for Teaching and Learning seeks to be a partner in shaping and sustaining a university environment where effective teaching practices lead to improved student achievement. We envision a culture of collaboration across disciplines where faculty are encouraged to seek innovation in pedagogy and to share best practices within a teaching and learning community.
The Center for Teaching and Learning assists full time faculty in securing professional development and resources for teaching, scholarship, research, and service to the campus community.
Lecturers and part time faculty receive the assistance they need to conduct research in teaching and learning that can be applied to creating a progressive and evolving rich learning environment across disciplines.
All faculty will be assisted to engage students in research, clubs, extracurricular activities, service learning, and scholarly activities that exhibit the content knowledge, skills, and expertise they have gained in their classroom work.
The Center has a Director, Betsy Price, She assists faculty by making workshops happen workshops and provide individual consultation and coaching.
The Advisory Board serves to guide the creation of workshops and other events through the ongoing formative evaluation. The purpose of the board is to offer guidance and make recommendations regarding policy and activities sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning.
Board Members: Ethel Cantu, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs; Kip Hinton, Education; Arlene Ready, Learning Center, Joey Key, Center for Gravitational Waves, Camus Key, Center for Gravitational Waves, Karin Lewis, Education, Sally Roach, Nursing, Wilma Smetter, UTB Math and Science Academy, Young Zhou, Engineering, Dawn Hall, BECHS, Michael Leckner, BioMed, Grace Cano, Student, History Major,
The term for board members is two years. The board meets as needed together in person and online.
If you would like to become an Advisory Board member please contact:
Faculty are encouraged to communicate with a board member to provide suggestions and advice for policy and activities. If you would like to volunteer to be a presenter for a workshop or have a suggestion for a workshop, click here.
The center promotes student learning by encouraging and supporting faculty efforts to explore the teaching and learning process within a framework of student-centered instructional practices. These explorations include the development of pedagogical skills, reflection on current practices, implementation of innovative methods, and the use of emerging technologies that result in a learning community among teachers and students.
The center supports innovative practices, such as bracing the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) in the linking of courses to establish an integrated curriculum, whereby a national model for excellence in teaching and learning is developed in a region that serves minority and underserved students. The center is a repository of information where the faculty at UTB/TSC finds support for instructional design, development and evaluation.
In order to maintain a high level of teaching excellence, the center provides professional development through formal and informal activities, seminars on teaching and learning, effective use of emerging technologies, and the use of alternative methods of assessment to inform instruction and curricular decisions.
In order to support the QEP, the center works with the Writing Lab to support students and faculty in the training and supervising of graduate students for rating student work samples.
In order to support and strengthen UTB/TSC teaching, learning, and research activities, the center works with Department of Distance Education and Instructional Technologies (DE/IT) to provide a comprehensive technological platform and expertise that assists faculty in the engagement of emerging technologies for instructional purposes.
Specifically the center strives to:
- Provide strategic and effective professional development, using the Teachers Teaching Teachers Model for all university faculty members to improve their students’ achievement
- Provide techniques for effective management and leadership in the classroom environment
- Provide strategies and support for the improvement of course design that link courses such as, writing across disciplines and across the curriculum
- Provide techniques for cooperative and collaborative learning;
- Provide strategies for implementing instructional technology e.g., hybrid courses; distance learning, mediating learning
- Provide support for the scholarship of teaching
- Create a community of learners
- Prepare instructors for assessment related to teaching and learning outcomes by providing assistance in alternative classroom assessment techniques, effective assignment design, measurement of student learning outcomes and the scholarship of teaching and learning
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