Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Here we go again - a new semester and new promises

We all get into that stage where we begin a new semester with the idea it will be better than the next.

This semester brings us all to a new horizon here at UTB.  We say goodbye to our old friend UTB and look forward to a new University, a new President and a new Chancellor.

Our students are also entering a new phase of uncertainty in their academic life.  As faculty, we know what a research university is, its expectations and its benefits.  They do not.  Therefore, it is our responsibility to prepare them.

Here are some actions you might take to help them along:

  • In your syllabus, list and clarify the characteristics and actions that will make them a success in your class.  Is is attendance?  Discussions?  Tests?  Projects?  
  • Explain to the students your learning objectives and how these will apply towards the skills and knowledge they will need to be competitive in the job market with students from other universities. 
  • Identify the support services we have for them and remind them we are here to help:  Academic Advising, Learning Enrichment,  Disability Services, Dean of Students, Financial Aid, Student Affairs
  • Devise ways in which students can communicate with you and their peers outside of class time throughout the semester.  This can be a discussion board, email, office hours, social media or extra study sessions.  
  • Be positive about their future at UTRGV.  The consolidation offers students new opportunities and broader choices. 
  • Be positive about your future at UTRGV.  It will be good.

Thank you for making UTB a great place to teach and to learn.  Lets carry this over to UTRGV.  


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